Online Professional Development


Online training developed by a VET Practitioner with over 20 years experience. Drawing on real life experiences, where and when it suits you.

Our online programs, developed by Angela, offer a seamless learning experience. Designed to fulfill the obligation of trainers to undertake ongoing VET PD and enhance the skills of administration and compliance staff within your RTO. These courses are informative as well as engaging, drawing inspiration from real-life scenarios. A Certificate of Attendance is issued on successful completion.


Interactive VET PD Session

  • Ask me anything: About RPL

    10th December 2024 at 4 PM AEST


  • Self-assurance consultation Including Third Party Agreements

    Self-Assurance Including Third Party Agreements Consultation

  • RTOs with Third Party Agreements Consultation

Upcoming Courses

Contact us for bulk purchase, annual licences or to discuss live professional development


“I have attended many webinars and events at which Angela presented and always found them to be very informative, providing current and accurate information along with some humour thrown in.

She is confident in what she is saying and, when questioned or challenged, can always back up what she has said with facts and/or locations where the information can be found.”

- Deborah Pinard

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