Welcome to RTO Consulting

What can we help you with today?

Online Courses

Looking to develop your in-house compliance capabilities? We offer a range of online courses and can design and deliver a training session to meet your needs.

RTO Setup

If you've never set up an RTO before, it's impossible to know what you don't know. We've not only set up and sold our own RTO, we've also assisted numerous organisations to do the same.

Industry Updates and Coaching

RTO Consulting provide the benefits of a compliance manager providing support and coaching at a fraction of the cost, while keeping you up to date on the industry changes and how they impact your RTO.

Accredited Courses

We can assist in the application for the accreditation or re-accreditation of a course and guide you through the accreditation process, advising what is required and when.

Documents, checklists & templates

We’ve got all the documentation you need to set up and run an RTO in our online store. Get instant access to all the documents we use in our consulting business.

Site, Desk & Hotspot Audits

RTO Consulting can conduct desk or site audits against any or all of the standards based on your requirements. An audit can be planned to meet your specific needs.

 What our clients say

Find out how we can support your RTO